
There are four (4) factors that influence the level of contributions levied on on companies and individuals. These are: 

  • Benefit Option (Galaxy, Deluxe , Executive) chosen by employee or individual 
  • Employer group size (for Deluxe). 
  • Number of registered dependants per member (dependants are a member’s spouse and or a child or children under the age of 21 years. A child or children over 21 years and not more than 25 years would qualify as special dependants provided they are either studying or mentally/ physically disabled). 
  • Employee’s monthly basic salary for corporate membership and individual age for individual membership.


Click Here to Download Pulamed Monthly Contributions 2021/22

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Notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
Notice of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
Covid-19 Vaccine at Private Facilities
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