Who We Are

Pulamed is a Fund registered in terms of Notarial Deed of Trust: MA 22/91 and was subsequently re-registered under the Trust Property Control Act (2018) bearing Trust No: TUHGB-000071-20. It is a not-for-profit open medical aid scheme, registered as a Trust and regulated by the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA). 

Pulamed’s purpose is to provide ease of access to affordable, equitable and high-quality healthcare to our members through innovative means. The Fund belongs to its members and an independent Board of Trustees oversees its activities. The Fund outsources its administration, managed care, and health risk management to specialised independent service providers. Pulamed is the second largest open medical scheme in Botswana with over 60,000 total lives covered.

Our value proposition to our members is access to affordable quality healthcare as espoused in our key strategic priorities of smart product offerings, managing costs, and leveraging ICT. The Fund derives its income from member contributions and returns on investments. In setting member contributions, the Fund tries to ensure that there is sufficient contributions income to pay all claims with a little surplus to add to reserves to cushion future unexpected cost increases. The remainder of the income is used to fund administration, health risk management and managed care costs.

Pulamed provides healthcare cover for a variety of conditions through healthcare disciplines. Broadly, this is Hospital cover and out-patient cover. The Fund gives you the right to choose a service provider of your choice. Pulamed member are guaranteed accessibility to high-quality healthcare.

Pulamed Health Plans

The Fund offers 5 well curated Health Plans to suit different demographics and target audiences. Pulamed  Members are liable for a 10% co-payment for medical services rendered, however The Fund pays VAT on behalf of members. 

Our Strategic Themes

  • Enabling access to healthier living.
  • To be your Premier health & Wellbeing Partner.

Our Values

  • Agility
  • Compassion
  • Innovation
  • Integrity
  • Transparency

Our 30 Year History

  • Pula Medical Aid Fund established

    Pula Medical Aid Fund is established by a group of mining and private companies to offer medical services to their employees.

  • HIV/AIDS Disease Management Program

    HIV/AIDS Disease Management Program (DMP) in Botswana for Pula Medical Aid Fund, facilitates Service provider training on HIV/AIDS treatment and development of the Botswana Treatment Guidelines. The DMP has more than 10 000 patients on ART.

  • Bokamoso Private Hospital Joint-Venture with BPOMAS Launches

    Bokamoso Private Hospital Joint-Venture with BPOMAS.

    BPOMAS and Pula Medical Aid Fund agree to build a highly advanced private hospital to provide Botswana with access to quality and accessible private healthcare. The hospital would later be opened to the public by His Excellency President Pohamba of The Republic of Namibia.

  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

    The Fund through its Administrators, Associated Fund Administrators (AFA), introduces a revolutionary technology that enables paperless claim submission transactions on behalf of the Fund. EDI has changed the way medical aid administration is carried out in Botswana. 64% of claims are received though EDI, with a satisfaction rating of 55% from the Service Provider experience. 

  • Web-Access (Self Service Tool)

    Pula Medical Aid Fund introduces a web portal for all it's stakeholders to facilitate self-service. The portal allows members, employer groups and service providers to submit queries, get statements, change contact details, view benefit balances etc. Web access allows the Fund through its Administrator to improve client satisfaction, communication and make business with the administered schemes seamless and easier.

    Introduction of Principal Officer

    The position of principal officer as described in rule 6.24 is introduced in November 2014 in conformity with industry best practice.

  • Pula Medical Aid Fund introduces Pulababy Maternity Care Programme

    Pulamed introduces a maternity programme for its members to support safe births and educates expectant mothers and fathers on pregnancy, delivery and childcare.

    International Travel Insurance

    The Pula Medical Aid Fund International Travel Insurance Benefit is introduced for all Executive and Deluxe members of the Fund at no extra cost to the members.

  • Preventative Care Benefit

    The Fund introduces a preventative screening benefit for members on the Executive and Deluxe options in an effort to move towards preventative approach to healthcare. Screenings availed to members and their dependants. 

    Premium Waiver Benefit

    The benefit is introduced to help alleviate the financial cost of medical aid following the passing on of a Principal Member. The cover is initially for 6 months at no-cost to the remaining beneficiaries.

  • VISA Funeral Payments

    Introduction of electronic payments of funeral benefits to members and their beneficiaries. Pula Medical Aid administrators, AFA, partners with Botswana Life Insurance to extend funeral claim payments to members of Pula Medical Aid Fund on a VISA secured platform through Liferewards cards. The program also extends discounts to Pula Medical Aid members at various merchants.

    Enhancement of Benefits

    Pula Medical Aid reviews its Deluxe benefit and enhances the cover from P800 000 to P1.2 million per annum.

    Introduction of Galaxy and Flexi (Out-Patient) options to meet the needs of a younger generation of Batswana.


  • Head Office Relocation

    Capacitation of the Fund Head Office for better management of the Fund.

  • COVID-19 Benefits

    On the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Fund takes an early lead to providing comprehensive 100% Covid-19 covers including, testing, medication, hospitalisation, Care@Home and other interventions to assist members. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fund provides the cover outside of the medical aid benefits.


  • WhatsApp Business API

    This self help chat bot - based solution is introduced to enable access to information online. Members have 24hrs access to services.

    Vaccination Site

    Pula Medical Aid Fund sets up the biggest Covid-19 vaccination site to assist Government vaccination efforts. The site is free to all members of the public.


    The Fund embarks on a rebranding exercise aimed at repositioning the Fund in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

  • Pulamed Launched a revolutionary Mobile APP aimed at providing ease of access and much needed convenience to members! 

Pulamed Blog

Notice of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
Notice of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
Covid-19 Vaccine at Private Facilities
Pulamed Announces Covid-19 Care@Home Benefit